(The Arts and Culture of Indonesia)

Click each BIO: Anie Pelletier, Daisy, Novie, Dhita, Seraphine, Jason, Debbie, Joey, Deny D, Heidi, Paige, Yohan, Dek Yuni, Angeline, Laura, Mulyani, Saleh Frey, Desi, Dinda, Sarah, Widad&Remin


Sarah Soekarso

Sarah Soekarso was a very busy, career woman as assistant hotel manager. But, she wants to socialize with different community groups as well. Way back when she was still in school in Indonesia, she was a drum band majorette.

Singing and playing music and gamelan are among of her hobbies.  She used to live in several different countries, where she learn and can speak some Asian languages such as Chinese.  She and her children still love Indonesian culture and actively promote Indonesia, event tough they grew up in different countries.

© 2012 Arcinda
Logo and Artwork by: I Made Surata
Web Design by Anie and Mark Pelletier